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Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2020

Post 2: The Best Holidays

I almost always travel every year with my family, usually to visit the south of Chile, and I always have a great time, but if I have to choose only one vacation that I remember the most, it would be this year, in February 2020. This time I only went with my sister and brother-in-law, because the rest of my family decided to go elsewhere. We traveled to Araucanía, and we stayed there for a while. We camped for three days (I think, I don't remember) on a very nice lake. We were able to cross to an island beyond through the kayaks and I enjoyed it very much, although my arms hurt afterwards. Then, we went to Villarica, Pucón and its surroundings. I don't exactly remember the name of the area, but we stayed in some totally rural cabins when it was raining. We took advantage of the cold days to visit the hot springs and some places where you could walk through the forest, in fact this trip was very incredible because I knew many parts of the south that I did'nt know.  I f I ha

Post 1: A country i'd like to visit

 JAPAN. To be honest, I would like to visit any country, I think that even the country closest to Chile would be beautiful to visit and a good experience, so I don't have one in particular, but if I had to choose the first thing that comes to my mind is Japan, specifically Tokyo.           Just from pictures I know that the capital is a place full of many lights and colours, and that is what most catches my attention, but it also has places with history. I would like to visit different historical temples, palaces, museums, theaters, among others, but with friends or family. I really think that it would be a trip that would be worth it. I like how some structures are designed like "The opulent Shinto Meiji shrine".          I would like to study there cause the language is very difficult for me since I have never studied or spoken it, so studying in Japan would be a good opportunity to learn the language, and also to learn their culture and manners because it's a very